EdgeTech, a producer of high resolution sonar imaging systems and underwater technology, said it now offers a communication interface to the University of Rhode Island Inverted Echo Sounder or “URI PIES” system through the 8011M deck box.
The URI PIES system is often moored in deep locations for extended periods of time. Acoustic communication to the instrument is value to ensure its safe return. The EdgeTech 8011M is a versatile and field-proven acoustic command and ranging deck box. The system can control and range on EdgeTech’s full line of acoustic releases as well as other manufacturers’ equipment.
Features include auto switching between 115 and 230 VAC and an internal self-charging battery. The serial and auxiliary ports allow for simple interfacing with other on-board equipment. The 8011M comes standard with a dunking transducer and 67 meters of cable. The URI PIES communication interface comes standard on all new 8011M deck boxes. Customers that already own and operate an EdgeTech 8011M deck box have the opportunity to upgrade their units to include this interface as well.